8 Reasons to use a Campervan in Sweden

I found roundtrip tickets from Utah to Sweden for $301!!!!!

Two weeks later I was off!

This post is dedicated to why I chose to do this trip with my 4 year old son in a campervan. 

We rented a camper van from Indie Campers and drove all over the country!
This is the route that we did over 10 days.

Reason #1: Sweden is HUGE

We put up Christmas lights and glow sticks and tried to make the van feel as at-home as possible!

Sweden is almost 175,000 square miles.  That is more than double the size of Utah. It has 30 National Parks (all free!!) and miles and miles to explore. 

Stockholm is where most people fly into, and it is located on the bottom 1/3 eastern coast. 

I knew we wanted to see a lot of the country and public transportation is a pain, so I knew driving our own vehicle would be important. 

Reason #2: You Can Camp Wherever

This picture doesn't even begin to show the sky that night. Sweden is known for its incredible nature and we saw so much!

It is very enticing to camp in a country where you are literally allowed to camp wherever you want. 

When I went to Iceland, we had to be very careful with where we camped because there were designated camping spots. 

Sweden is different.  You can camp literally in any spot, including on private property, if you are not there for longer than 24 hours. 

You can also camp INSIDE of the national parks, since they are open 24/7!

While we were there we camped in parking lots, fields, next to rivers, and even next to a castle.  

It was incredible. 

Reason #3: Food in Sweden is Expensive

It was amazing to eat hot food every night for dinner, in the comfort of our own home! We spent about $8 a night for the two of us (instead of easily $50).

I heard that food was extremely expensive in Sweden so I decided I wanted to be able to buy groceries and cook myself. 

I ended up spending $130 on food for 10 days for 2 people (with food still left over). 

We went to a pub one night for dinner and one typical plate of potatoes and Swedish meatballs with a drink was $30.  

It is a lot more cost efficient to cook your own food!  

Tip: Willy’s is the local budget-friendly market with good produce and prices. 

Reason #4: Flexibility

We could stop and play at any park, whenever we wanted!

I almost never like being part of any organized tour.

I like being able to stay as long as I like or leave when I want. 

I like being able to take pictures or sit and watch a sunset.

  I like getting to skip things in the “itinerary” because I don’t feel like going or because something better has come up. 

With a campervan, you literally don’t need to book any accommodations or tours and you can change plans at any second. 

I believe that flexibility allows for the most surprising and unexpected experiences while traveling. 

I try to ask locals when I arrive to a country and hear from THEM what they suggest to do

Locals for sure know better than the internet!

Reason #5: Doubles as Transportation and Accomodation

You would never know that this little area right here is kitchen, bathroom (shower/toilet/sink) and bed all in one!

We literally had everything we wanted with us while we were in Sweden- a shower, a kitchen, beds, luggage storage, electricity, heat AND transportation. 

We could pull over when we didn’t feel like driving anymore and sleep. 

We could whip out a snack the second we were hungry, or throw some food in our bag before a long hike in the middle of nowhere. 

We could lay down and rest in the middle of the day or take a shower whenever we wanted. 

We never had to check bags into lockers or transfer between accommodations. 

Reason #6: Better with a Toddler

He's hands down one of my favorite humans in the world. He loved getting to sit and draw/do puzzles or read while we drove for hours each day.

I personally think one of the most stressful parts of traveling with a toddler is the transitions. 

Public transportation, lugging suitcases from one place to the next, trying to keep track of everything, continually unpacking and repacking…..

I love how in a campervan Beckham could be strapped in while we drove.  He was never on my lap. 

He could have his own space and read books or do puzzles while I drove. 

When we slept I slept on one bunk and him on the other. 

I never had to transfer bags or make connections.  

We were with our stuff the entire time. 

It allows for a lot more peace of mind with a toddler, when you are trying to remember a million things. 

Beckham quickly became used to our campervan and it became a “home-like” place for him. 

Reason #7: Covid Precautions

Our 18 feet van. Works for 4 people!

After getting Covid in Costa Rica and getting stuck there, I have been a lot more stressed while traveling during Covid. 

Though we always take precautions and follow other country’s guidelines when we travel, there is a lot more peace of mind traveling in your own space. 

We were grateful to both test negative and get back to Utah after our trip!

Reason #8: Spotting Animals and the Northern Lights

Camping right inside of a National Park! I've never been to another country where you can do this!

I have seen the Northern Lights in both Alaska and Iceland because we rented a campervan.  

We were not in Sweden during a time of year to see the Northern Lights, but if we had’ve been, chances are higher if you have private transportation. 

Animals are also a lot easier to see when you are not part of an organized tour, and you can drive a vehicle to more remote places. 

We saw moose, a ton of birds, frogs, squirrels, horses, and so many different types of animals.  

Our campervan allowed us to “get away” from people and be in nature more! 

A Word of Caution

As everything in life, there is bad with the good. 

Renting a campervan is still extremely expensive.  It was about $130 a day (not including petrol) just to rent the van. 

Gas in Sweden is EXTREMELY expensive.  In 10 days I ended up spending about $300+ on petrol.  It is about $8/gallon there. 

We did not have a very social experience because we were on our own the whole time.  This is a big bummer, and a big factor for me.  If you are looking for a super social experience, campervan life may not be the best.  That said, Sweden is not a “hostel backpacker country”, so it’s not that much of a social experience, anyway.  

They are also a lot of work.  Cleaning up every day, making sure the water tank is full, changing out the dirty water, figuring out when things stop working, etc.  It is work, and it can be extremely stressful. 

If you want the ease of being taken care of, a hotel is for you.  If you want independence and flexibility, this may be more your style. 

My little buddy in Stockholm, Sweden (where we flew into and picked up our van. Also the most stressful part of our whole trip haha).

For us, on this specific trip, a campervan was perfect.  But you need to decide what is best for you.  Every trip, country and situation is different!

If you do decide to go the campervan route, Indie Campers was a great company to work with!  

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