Jessica Porter

Hi, I am Jessica! 

I am from Ohio, and currently living in Costa Rica with my husband and 3 year old son.  I LOVE adventurous traveling and I love people.  

I am here to share about my life travels:  The trips I’ve taken and the experiences I’ve had just being a human.  

Thanks for being here!

Why I'm Here.....

I used to make fun of bloggers.  I thought it was so weird to write all of your feelings down and share them with the world, or to share information about things that probably NO ONE cares about………

Most Recent Posts

I get asked a lot how I am able to travel so much as a mom.  I have a lot Read more
Bocas del Toro is often referred to as "The Galapagos of Central America".  It is a group of 9 little Read more
I could write about The Galapagos Islands for a longgggg time.  When I was first planning my trip to go Read more
The scary part about sharing your real feelings is that there is always someone you could upset.  But I am Read more

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