Colombia Photo Journal

I had wanted to go to Colombia for years.  One of my best friends is from Bogota and fled with her family to the US from Colombia during the 90’s, during the times of the Colombian conflicts with drug trafficking.  COVID canceled my first trip, but almost a year later we were finally able to go. 

I’ll be writing more about Colombia and give some more specifics, but for now, here are some of my favorite pictures that we took, organized by location.  


There are a lot of different ways to do this route, but this is what we chose to do:

After a TON of research, tracking of prices, and lots of factors, we made the decision to get a round-trip in and out of Medellin (living in Costa Rica at the time).  

The first half of the trip we rented a car.  We started in Medellin, drove south to Salento (passing Antioquia on the way), then came back up to Medellin.  

After that we headed east over to Guatape, and back to Medellin. 

We flew from Medellin to Santa Marta, where we started the second half of our trip, relying on public transportation. 

We headed first to Minca, then slept in Tayrona National Park. 

After Tayrona we took a 5 hours bus south to Cartagena and ended the last part of our trip in Cartagena, and took boats to the Rosario Islands. 

We finished by flying back from Cartagena to Medellin, and back to Costa Rica. 


Landing in Medellin. SO excited to be on a plane again, after almost exactly 9 months.
Communa 13 Graffiti
Cable Cars. I think there are 13 different cables, some with better views than others. Locals use these for public transportation!
Wasn't a huge fan of the food. Lot's of fried stuff. Bandeja Paisa is the national breakfast dish- beans/rice, fried pork, arepa, eggs.
Comuna 13- one of the MANY neighborhoods in Medellin. Used to be a dangerous gang zone and is completely transformed!
I don't remember the name of this incredible church but it is in Plaza Bortero where you can see the famous Botero statues.
Comunia 13 historical tour- RECOMMENDED 100%! Beckham didn't want any pictures, after the first 2 minutes haha.
Viewpoint behind Pueblito Paisa. Getting hit by Becks, who didn't want another picture haha.
Tres Cruces hike- BEAUTIFUL view of the city! 1.5 hours total.
One of the most famous artists in Comuna 13.
More beautiful artwork. All of this is recent, after the 2000s.
Little section of Communa 13 dedicated to an innocent child who was killed in the crossfire of two gangs during the gang wars after Escobar.


Worst horseback riding experience of my life hahaha. This kid RAN with the horse and I had to run to keep up. We kept saying, "SLOW DOWN"
Casa en el Aire. Built by a rock climber in the last 20 years. Lots of adrenaline activities to do here!
We chose to do the hammock experience. SO FUN!
Hanging SO HIGH over the valley! It was beautiful. Not relaxing OR romantic with Becks, but beautiful and fun 🙂
It's also a hostel. They have a few different rooms, and it would have been AWESOME to stay and watch the sunset but we didn't have the time and it wasn't super kid-friendly.


El Peñol- Giant Rock with almost 800 steps to climb! AMAZING VIEW!
I will never get sick of all of the beautiful looking doors.
Cascada La Casuela, in San Rafael (which is 45 min from Guatape, and you could easily spend 3 days here- land of waterfalls!)
Sancocho de pollo in the town square Christmas-time!
Jet-ski rental at lake Guatape. $45 for 30 minutes is better than Costa Rica!
San Rafael
Beckham hiked up all 740 steps on his own in almost no time! I was so proud of him. The tantrum came with the pictures haha.
BEST Vegan restaurant in Guatape- Namaste Vegan Express. They have the MOST DELICIOUS food- the smoothies, the falafels. Everything was SO good, and we were so sick of deep fried pork, so it was perfect. We went a couple of times.
Plaza de Zocalos- The moust touristy spot with the most colors.
Helicopter tour over El Peñol. SO WORTH the $60pp for this amazing experience with a child who is obsessed wtih aircrafts!
Hostal Mi Casa Guatape- One of the best experiences we have ever had with Airbnb!!!!
View of Guatape from El Peñol (You have to start hiking down at 5 pm!)
Christmas Day we were in lockdown in Guatape and no one could leave their home, but we stayed cozy and happy in our Airbnb 🙂
Kayaking lake Guatape. It is HGUE!
More Sancocho, after being told we had to go on lockdown for the next few days! I will never forget that moment, trying to figure out last-minute plans with a crazy toddler during the Pandemic. WOW haha.
Lockdown really didn't end up being so bad. Lots of good family time 🙂


The doors are never-ending!
Part of the Cocora Valle circuit. Hour 5- almost done!
Salento Hill Lookout for sunset!
Amazing wax palms in Cocora Valle
Thank you Beckham for walking up at 5:30 AM- we had the whole town of Salento to ourselves to walk around every morning and see EVERY door! 🙂
Finca El Ocaso coffee tour. Very informative and beautiful! Unfortunately it started pouring right at the beginning and I was bratty about it, but we still enjoyed ourselves.
Cooloest palm trees I have ever seen! Cocora Valle
Our hostel in Salento. I'm not going to recommend it because it wasn't anything special, but it DID have an amazing view for breakfast! 🙂
Casa de Colobri (part of Cocora Valle- not super cool but we went and enjoyed the rain haha)
Breakfast at En Patio de mi Casa- not the best hostel in the world, but VERY good price and AMAZING VIEW! Free breakfast, too 🙂
Cocora Valle
AMAZING seafood dish, too bad I can't remember the name of the restaurant! GIANT patacon. Salento is famous for trout.
Salento in the morning before everyone wakes up 🙂 It is a very small and sleepy town and nothing is really open before 8.
After our rainy coffee tour- the sun came out just as the tour was ending!


Bird tour with Elkin, a local guide. He was AMAZING! +573126486732
Walking through the coffee plantations to get to our chocolate tour at La Calendaria.
I LOVE when Beckham picks flowers for me <3
Sunset at Minca del Sol Hotel
Minca del Sol Eco Hotel- AMAZING experience. Amazing beds, amazing hosts, amazing food, amazing views, very eco-friendly. Amazing experience!!!! 100 stars.
The best way to get everywhere is moto taxis in Minca! $1 anywhere close.
Poza Azul- not so azul when we went, but still amazing. VERY COLD. It's free, though!
The outside of our accomodations in Minca del Sol. They were doing construction. But it is amazing in real life. All hand-made.
Amazing views in Minca!
Some sunset bird-watching!
We saw SO many birds, including Oropendulas-my favorite!

Tayrona National Park

Sunset at Cabo San Juan
Arreciffes Beach- No Swimming- over 100 people have drowned here!
If you sleep in the park, you avoid 90% of the day trip crowds. It is magical when eveyrone leaves!
Took us about 4 hours to get to Cabo de San Juan from the El Zaino park entrance- Dan is a CHAMP.
Cabo San Juan- amazing and magical place- and you can swim!
We gave Beckham Dan's phone to watch Frozen so we could have a second together to watch the sunset. You gotta do what you gotta do.
Camping right on the beach at Cabo San Juan. The mattresses were surprisingly comofortable and it was only $10 a person. AMAZING! I sneaked into another empty tent at night to sleep by myself and woke up at 10 PM to Beckham screaming in the tent with Dan, a few away. We didn't get much sleep, but it was worth it!
Getting ready for the hike out of the park!
There are VERY few beaches you can swim at in the park. Cabo San Juan is one of the few.

Cartagena de Indias

Palenqueras-These women are everywhere, ready to take a picture for a donation. They can get a little agressive haha.
Once again, grateful for a 6 AM wake up so we could enjoy Cartagena before it got too hot and was full of crowds!
We spent a day just walking around and seeing Cartagena Historical/Old Town.
All of the colors give it a Carribean vibe, though they were painted in the last few decades, just to attract tourists!
So many beautiful old buildings in Cartagena!
Cafe del Mar-one of the best places to see the sunset. Overlooks the ocean and Bocagrande (the new city section of Cartagena).
loved these door colors 🙂
Not even kind of sick of the doors 🙂
I would 100% recommend a walking history tour of Cartagena/Getsemani. SUCH fascinating history with pirates, Spanish invadors, witches, and gold!

Rosario Islands

On our way to Agua Azul!
En route to Playa Blanca.
Cholon. Honestly not my favorite. WAY touristy and by the afternoon it is full of a million yates and party music. The water just gets skummy from all of the boats and it's not that great.
Playa Blanca. This is THE most touristy beach, but it was our favorite of the three we went to. It is a HUGE long beach wtih super blue water, and it didn't seem to get all dirtied up by everyone and their sunscreen.
Headed to el Cholon.
New friend on Playa Blanca!
Agua Azul. I wish we could have come here early in the morning to see the water actually blue before everyone nastied it up!
Chilling at Cholon before all of the hoards of tourists came.
Magical sunset at Playa Blanca before our bioluminsence tour (which was AMAZING- we didn't get good pictures but we actually swam with bioluminsence!)
The sunset was magical but not very romantic. Thanks BECKS!!!!! haha
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